San Martin de los Andes
Como Llegar
How to arrive

Due to its location, 9 km. from San Martín de los Andes, the access to the mountain is really easy.

By car: going out of the city along National Route 231 and after 3 km. of pavement, you turn left into Provincial Route 66, from there you go on 6 km. to the mountain.

Urban transport: Local companies work there.

Airlines: the closest airport is 85 km. far from San Martín de los Andes, in San Carlos de Bariloche city (Río Negro Province), one- hour- trip by paved route.

By Land

  • From Buenos Aires 1596 kms by Santa Rosa - 25 de mayo and Zapala - 1644 kms by Blue - Rio Colorado and Zapala
  • Since Cordoba 1603 kms by Gral Acha and 25 de mayo - 1553 kms per Chelforó and Zapala 
  • From Neuquen 425 kms per Zapala - 436 kms by Piedra del Aguila
  • From San Carlos de Bariloche 245 kms by Collon Cura and La Rinconada - 189 kms from Villa La Angostura - 137 kms by Confluencia and Paso del Cordoba
Access to Cerro Chapelco:
Starting from the town of San Martin de los Andes, take National Route 234 that runs along the Lake Lácar and after traveling 15 kms. joins with fully paved Provincial Highway 19. From this point to the base of Cerro 5 km are traveled. more.