Autor: Yellow Point
The evidence of prehispanic settlement in
Lanin National Park tools, rock art and burials, which account for a 10,000 years old, along with chronic posthispánicas possible to understand how the ancient inhabitants of this region were associated with mountain landscape how they used their many resources and environments.
The ancient inhabitants were devoted to collecting pine nuts complement this activity by hunting
guanacos and rheas huemules. They used stone tools, bone and pottery. There were trade relations between the two sides of the range.
The presence of the
Mapuche people in the mountain valleys has a long history. Before the arrival of the Spanish in the sixteenth century, the peoples of the territory occupied vastísimas extensions. Like others, suffered from the conquest and expansion of the national society, living a long history of conflict with the recognition of their culture and territory. In the Park source populations exist prior to the creation of protected areas. Currently seven are settled communities: Curruhuinca Cayún, Cañicul, Raquithue, Aigo, Ñorquinco and 100 families with a total Lefiman.
This shows a new connection between the
Mapuche people and the National Parks Administration. It has been agreed joint participation around the generation of proposals and decision making (co-management) as well as the return of land in communal ownership, understanding the Indian territory as the space in which it develops its culture.
The inextricable link between biological and cultural diversity characteristic of the
Mapuche worldview, is also a conservation value to society in general.
Ñorquinco area, in addition to its natural beauty has added value in their cultural heritage. There is a figure of Mapuche origin with human characteristics in wood, the
Rehue. This figure is linked to the space that surrounds and forms a religious, social and philosophical. Around the same calls are made Niquillatum prayers.